Click on Link:
Guestroom reservations must be made by 5/17/2024.C Reservations can be made by calling our reservations team at 1-800-843-6664, or by using your personalized reservation website:
Please use code 061104TABPHEROOMS on Omni Corpus Christi Hotel | Hotels in Corpus Christi, TX (omnihotels.com) for reservations.
Cutoff is May 17th.

Please note there is a 72 hour cancellation policy and the last day to book these rooms is Friday, May 24, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Your rate is $169 per night plus tax. The website shows your rate at $172, which includes the 2% mandatory TPID fee the city charges. You can also call me directly and reference the 3 letter code of JTF to book your rooms. If you have any further questions please let us know. Thanks!
Personalized Booking Link: